Walk to School Challenge

The school are joining one of the UK's biggest design competitions for children, for a chance to win FREE walk to school resources for an entire year!
This year's theme is Walk with Joy – we want you to show us what makes you happy! That might be seeing a bright, colourful flower or going on an exciting outdoor adventure. Or maybe it’s the wagging tail of your pet, eating your favourite yummy snack, or playing your favourite game. Does hearing a funny joke make you giggle, or does a big hug from someone you love make your heart feel warm? It could even be listening to your favourite song, drawing a picture, or watching the clouds float by.
Whatever makes you happy, grab your crayons or pencils and draw it!
The school badge competition deadline is Friday 7th February.
The children will be provided with the competition sheets to complete their designs at home. Encourage your children to think big and see where in time it takes them. 11 winning entries into more than 300,000 badges to be awarded to WOW pupils who walk, wheel, scoot, cycle or Park and Stride to school across the UK next academic year.